Jactl scripts can be run from the shell command line and can be used in situations where you might normally use Unix utilities such as sed or awk and even some situations where you might have used perl in the past.

The Jactl JAR file, when run using java -jar will compile and run a given script.

Command Line Arguments

If you run the JAR file without any arguments it prints this help text:

$ java -jar jactl-2.2.0.jar
Usage: jactl [options] [programFile] [inputFile]* [--] [arguments]*
         -p           : run in a print loop reading input from stdin or files
         -n           : run in a loop but do not print each line
         -e script    : script string is interpreted as jactl code (programFile not used)
         -v           : show verbose errors (give stack trace)
         -V var=value : initialise jactl variable before running script
         -d           : debug: output generated code
         -h           : print this help

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Missing '-e' option and no programFile specified
	at io.jactl.Jactl.main(Jactl.java:52)

Jactl Shell Script

It is recommended that you create a shell script for invoking Jactl called jactl to save having to type the java -jar <path_to>/jactl-2.2.0.jar every time.

For a shell compatible with bash you can create a shell script like the following called jactl and add it to a directory in your execution path:

java -jar <path_to>/jactl-2.2.0.jar "$@"

Note that the /bin/bash should be the location of your shell and <path_to> should be replaced with the location of the jactl-2.2.0.jar file.

We will assume from now on that you have such a shell script and will use jactl in place of java -jar jactl-2.2.0.jar.

Running Scripts

To run a file containing a Jactl script just pass the file name directly to the jactl command. For example, assume there is a file myscript.jactl containing this:

def fact(x) { x <= 1 ? 1 : x * fact(x - 1) }

10.map{ it + 1 }
  .map{ [it, fact(it)] }
  .each{ n,fact -> println "Factorial of $n is $fact" }

To run this script:

$ jactl myscript.jactl
Factorial of 1 is 1
Factorial of 2 is 2
Factorial of 3 is 6
Factorial of 4 is 24
Factorial of 5 is 120
Factorial of 6 is 720
Factorial of 7 is 5040
Factorial of 8 is 40320
Factorial of 9 is 362880
Factorial of 10 is 3628800

The -e Option

The -e option allows you to run some Jactl code entered directly on the command line:

$ jactl -e '10.map{ it + 1 }.sum()'

Note that -e only accepts a single argument so you should wrap the code in ' single quotes so that the shell won’t split the code into multiple arguments when a space is encountered.

If you want to be able to use single quotes in your script then in bash, if the first quote is prefixed by $, you are then allowed to use \ to escape other characters within the single quotes (including single quotes):

$ jactl -e $'10.map{ (int)\'a\' + it }.map{ it.asChar() }.join()'

Printing Result

By default, when not using the -p or -n options (see below), Jactl will output the value of the final expression in the Jactl script or command line script:

$ jactl -e '3 + 4'

If the script itself already invokes print or println then it assumes that the script wants to control its output and the default printing of the final expression is suppressed:

$ jactl -e 'println "Result is ${3 + 4}"'
Result is 7

The -V Option

The -V option allows you to define a variable and a string value for that variable that the script can access:

$ jactl -V n=10 -e '(n as int).map{ (it+1).sqr() }'
[1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100]

The option can be used multiple times:

$ jactl -V n=10 -V power=3 -e '(n as int).map{ (it+1).pow(power as int) }'
[1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216, 343, 512, 729, 1000]

See Passing Arguments to Script for another way to pass in values from the command line to a script.

The -v Option

The -v option is used when there are errors to show more verbose output. This means that the error stack trace will be shown along with the error where as normally only the error message is shown.

The -d Option

The -d option is the debug option to print out the generated code. If given twice it outputs even more detail.

This option should only be used when reporting problems.


The Jactl scripts can read from stdin using nextLine(). Assume there is a file called some_file with this content:

This is the first line in a file
This is the second line in the same file
This is the third line

Then, to prepend the line length to each line we can cat the file to our jactl script:

$ cat some_file | jactl -e 'def line; while ((line = nextLine()) != null) { println "${line.size()}: $line" }'
32: This is the first line in a file
40: This is the second line in the same file
22: This is the third line

This could also be written more idiomatically as:

$ cat some_file | jactl -e 'stream(nextLine).each{ println "${it.size()}: $it" }'
32: This is the first line in a file
40: This is the second line in the same file
22: This is the third line

Jactl supports a list of files being passed to it on the command line so this achieves the same thing:

$ jactl -e 'stream(nextLine).each{ println "${it.size()}: $it" }' some_file
32: This is the first line in a file
40: This is the second line in the same file
22: This is the third line

Multiple file names can be listed and the script will concatenate the multiple files into one stream of input. Assume that there is another file called another_file with this content:

this is some text in another file
and this is another line in that file

Then if we pass both file names to the script we will have this output:

$ jactl -e 'stream(nextLine).each{ println "${it.size()}: $it" }' some_file another_file
32: This is the first line in a file
40: This is the second line in the same file
22: This is the third line
33: this is some text in another file
37: and this is another line in that file

When file names are passed to the script, the stdin input is not read. If you want to include stdin in the input processed by the script you use a single hyphen - as the file name. For example:

$ jactl -e 'stream(nextLine).each{ println "${it.size()}: $it" }' some_file - another_file
32: This is the first line in a file
40: This is the second line in the same file
22: This is the third line
text typed in at the terminal
29: text typed in at the terminal
and more text
13: and more text
33: this is some text in another file
37: and this is another line in that file

Note that lines not starting with a number were typed in at the terminal and so form the input for stdin. To terminate the stdin input <ctrl-D> was used. Since the - file name was the second one in the list the stdin input was added between the two files.

The -p and -n Options

The -p option causes the script to be wrapped in the following code:

def it
while ((it = nextLine()) != null) {
  ...      // your script inserted here
  println it

This means that the it variable will iterate over the lines of the input (whether stdin or files listed on command line).

For example, given the files we saw in the previous section called some_file and another_file, we can do this to prepend the length to every line:

$ jactl -p -e 's/^/${it.length()}: /' some_file another_file
32: This is the first line in a file
40: This is the second line in the same file
22: This is the third line
33: this is some text in another file
37: and this is another line in that file

This works because s/^/${it.length()}: / by default operates on the it variable and so it modifies it which is then automatically printed by the implicit println it in the wrapping code.

Note that when there are multiple options, they can be joined together (unless they take an argument) so -p -e 's/^/${it.length()}: /' can also be written -pe 's/^/${it.length()}: /' since -p doesn’t take an argument.

If you don’t want to automatically print every line then the -n has the same behaviour except that it doesn’t automatically print the line each time, so in order to print only lines that match some regex we could do this:

$ jactl -ne '/ s.*file/r and println it' some_file another_file
This is the second line in the same file
this is some text in another file

To print lines that do not match a regex, this would work:

$ jactl -ne '/ s.*file/r or println it' some_file another_file
This is the first line in a file
This is the third line
and this is another line in that file

Or another way to print lines that don’t match:

$ jactl -ne 'println it unless / s.*file/r' some_file another_file
This is the first line in a file
This is the third line
and this is another line in that file

And yet another way:

$ jactl -ne '!/ s.*file/r and println it' some_file another_file
This is the first line in a file
This is the third line
and this is another line in that file

Note that these options can also be used when the script is in a separate file rather than on the command line. So imagine we have a script called freq.jactl that counts letter frequency for a line:

println it.filter{ it != " " }
          .reduce([:]){ m,c -> m[c]++; m }
          .sort{ a,b -> b[1] <=> a[1] }
          .map{ c,freq -> "$c:$freq" }
          .join(" ")

To run this over all lines of our input files we do this:

$ jactl -n freq.jactl some_file another_file
i:6 s:3 e:3 h:2 t:2 f:2 l:2 n:2 T:1 r:1 a:1
e:6 i:5 s:4 h:3 n:3 t:2 l:2 T:1 c:1 o:1 d:1 a:1 m:1 f:1
i:4 h:3 s:2 t:2 e:2 T:1 r:1 d:1 l:1 n:1
t:4 i:4 e:4 s:3 h:2 o:2 n:2 m:1 x:1 a:1 r:1 f:1 l:1
i:5 n:4 t:4 a:3 h:3 e:3 s:2 l:2 d:1 o:1 r:1 f:1

Since the script is wrapped in a while loop, it is possible for the script to use continue and break where it makes sense to control the behaviour of the loop:

$ jactl -pe '/second/r and continue; s/This is//' some_file another_file
 the first line in a file
 the third line
this is some text in another file
and this is another line in that file

Note in this example how the continue skips the processing and the printing if the input line matches /second/.

BEGIN and END Sections

When running with the -p or -n options you might want to do some initialisation at the very beginning or print out a result at the very end of the input.

You can use a BEGIN section to perform any up-front initialisation before any input is processed and an END section to perform any work after the input has all been processed.

Here is an example where we modify the freq.jactl script to add a BEGIN section to initialise a Map that will keep letter frequencies across all lines, and an END section to print the results at the end:

  freq = [:]

println it.filter{ it != " " }
          .reduce([:]){ m,c ->
            freq[c]++     // update global frequency count
          .sort{ a,b -> b[1] <=> a[1] }
          .map{ c,freq -> "$c:$freq" }
          .join(" ")

  println "\nTotals: " + freq.sort{ a,b -> b[1] <=> a[1] }
                             .map{ c,freq -> "$c:$freq" }
                             .join(" ")

Then when we run it:

$ jactl -n freq.jactl some_file another_file
i:6 s:3 e:3 h:2 t:2 f:2 l:2 n:2 T:1 r:1 a:1
e:6 i:5 s:4 h:3 n:3 t:2 l:2 T:1 c:1 o:1 d:1 a:1 m:1 f:1
i:4 h:3 s:2 t:2 e:2 T:1 r:1 d:1 l:1 n:1
t:4 i:4 e:4 s:3 h:2 o:2 n:2 m:1 x:1 a:1 r:1 f:1 l:1
i:5 n:4 t:4 a:3 h:3 e:3 s:2 l:2 d:1 o:1 r:1 f:1

Totals: i:24 e:18 s:14 t:14 h:13 n:12 l:8 a:6 f:5 r:4 o:4 T:3 d:3 m:2 c:1 x:1

Note that when using -p and -n, global variables do not have to be declared before they can be used. Normally we would declare the freq variable in the BEGIN section like this:

  def freq = [:]

If we do that, however, the scope of freq is the block within which it is declared, so it would not be visible outside the BEGIN block.

That is why, when running with -p and -n options, global variables do not need to be declared: assigning to a global variable will cause it to be created.

Passing Arguments to Script

As well as passing in variables using the -V option, you can additionally pass in arguments for a script at the command line by using -- (double hyphen) and then listing the arguments. The -- tells Jactl that there are no more options for Jactl itself (including no more file names) and that all arguments after the -- should be passed as an array in a variable called args that the script can then access.

For example:

$ jactl -e 'args.each{ println "arg: $it" }' -- additional args 
arg: additional
arg: args

.jactlrc File

At start up time, the contents of ~/.jactlrc are read. This file, if it exists, is itself a Jactl script and allows you to customise the behaviour of the Jactl command line scripts by setting the values of some global variables. This file is also used by the Jactl REPL.

At the moment, all the variables relate to allowing you to customise Jactl by providing your own execution environment (for your event-loop specific application environment) and your own functions/methods. The values of the following variables can be set:

Variable Type Default Value Description
environmentClass String io.jactl.DefaultEnv The name of the class which will is used to encapsulate the Jactl runtime environment. See Integration Guide for more details.
extraJars List [] A list of file names for any additional JARs that should be added to the classpath.
functionClasses List [] A list of classes having a static method called registerFunctions(JactlEnv env) that will be invoked at start up. This allows you to dynamically add new functions (from one of the extraJars files) to the Jactl runtime.

For example, there is a jactl-vertx project for use when integrating with a Vert.x based application. It uses a specific JactlVertxEnv environment that delegates event scheduling to Vert.x and provides some global functions that deal with distributed maps and an example function for sending/receiving JSON messages over HTTP.

Since the sendReceiveJson() functions is provided as an example, it lives in the test jar of the jactl-vertx project. So to include all of these additional functions in your Jactl REPL or Jactl command line scripts you need to list these two jars in the extraJars list.

The jactl-vertx test jar is built as a “fat” jar and includes the dependencies it needs (including the Vert.x libraries) so we don’t need to separately list the Vert.x jars as well.

To register these additional functions with the Jactl runtime we need to have created classes that have a static method called registerFunctions(JactlEnv env) which do the registration of the functions. We then need to tell the runtime the name of these classes so that these static methods can be invoked which will in turn register the functions.

For the jactl-vertx library, there are two classes that handle the registration of these functions/methods:

  • jactl.vertx.VertxFunctions
  • jactl.vertx.example.ExampleFunctions

We therefore need to list these classes in the functionClasses list of our .jactlrc file.

If the jars are located under ~/projects/jactl-vertx/build/libs then a .jactlrc file that allows the Jactl REPL and the Jactl commandline script execution to use Vert.x and these new functions would look like this:

environmentClass = 'jactl.vertx.JactlVertxEnv'
extraJars        = [ '~/projects/jactl-vertx/build/libs/jactl-vertx-2.2.0.jar',
                     '~/projects/jactl-vertx/build/libs/jactl-vertx-2.2.0-tests.jar' ]
functionClasses  = [ 'jactl.vertx.VertxFunctions',
                     'jactl.vertx.example.ExampleFunctions' ]

The use of ~ in the file names will be replaced with the location of the current user’s home directory.

Since the file is Jactl code we could also write it like this:

def VERSION = '2.2.0'     // The jactl-vertx version to use
def LIBS    = '~/projects/jactl-vertx/build/libs'    // Location of the jars

// Specify the Vertx environment class to use
environmentClass = 'jactl.vertx.JactlVertxEnv'

// List the extra jactl-vertx jars
extraJars        = [ "$LIBS/jactl-vertx-${VERSION}.jar",
                     "$LIBS/jactl-vertx-${VERSION}-tests.jar" ]

// List the function registration classes
functionClasses  = [ 'jactl.vertx.VertxFunctions',
                     'jactl.vertx.example.ExampleFunctions' ]

The extra jars can also be provided via the normal way of specifying them in your Java classpath if you prefer to do it that way.

To integrate with additional libraries, just add the jars to the extraJars list and add any function registration classes to the functionClasses list.